Composing an own program?
We offer programs for primary education from 1 till 5 days. In one day or even on a morning it is possible to catch aquatic animals, to draw and the determine the species. During a multi-day program there are more possibilities to do multiple activities like natural investigations or creating a bee-hotel.
“Heel fijn om op locatie les te geven met andere vakdocenten, op deze manier gaat het voor de leerlingen veel meer leven”
leraar basisonderwijs
Own contribution from school
The program is made in consultation with the teachers and is thus tailored to the level and learning wishes of the students. It is of course always possible to introduce your own program components. The costs of a project depend on the number of days.
Fieldwork in the core objectives
Fieldwork at the Field Study Foundation gives substance to the various general objectives, as formulated for primary education. It offers students the opportunity to discover much of the required knowledge on their own in the field. Especially now that the importance of nature and environmental education for education and health is increasingly recognized, fieldwork plays a major role.
Community School
Projects in the context of the Community School can also be provided for primary schools. Consider, for example, spring or autumn nature lessons where we visit the school and can work in the classroom as well as in the schoolyard or in a city park or green belt nearby.
Want to know more?
Fancy a full or half working week with the class or group or just a day out? Contact us about the possibilities