A Woolly Red List Species in the Schelphoek

It is a 16 cm mouse with a blunt head and brown fur. It is the oldest vole species in the Netherlands. It already inhabited our earth during the last ice age: it is the Arctic vole (Alexandromys oeconomus arenicola). Due to the closed delta works and the shifting of the polders and salt marshes, the animal in Schouwen has largely disappeared. The decrease in its habitat and the change in the water balance pose the greatest danger to this Red List species.

A new road has been built around our accommodation in the Schelphoek towards the Brouwersdam and 2 new roundabouts have been built. In this new landscape they have forgotten something important, the construction of a new nature reserve to compensate for the Arctic vole. In the Schelphoek live about ten Northern voles, and they are heavily protected. Van Burg, alderman of Schouwen, expects the compensation area to be ready by the end of next year.

Who knows, you might come across this beautiful animal in the Schelphoek nature reserve. That is quite special.